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Post-Launch Timeline & Thoughts 


This past week has been hectic for me, both from opening up the site and dealing with events going on in my life. I'm so happy to see the site officially go online, but there's still a lot of work that needs to be done to get this site to the point I want it to be it.

First, I'm primarily making this post to layout the current roadmap of content I plan on implementing over the next six months. By the end of the year, I hope to have Counter Culture (or Cntr Cltr - still debating) at a point where content is released consistently and regularly. Here is how the next six months look currently:

May: Implement more of my previous works into the site, as well as work on site logo.  

 June - July: Create further tweaks to UI and streamline aspects, as well as work on creating wholly original content. 

 August: Publish first original piece of content for site, title TBD. Have logo design implemented at this point. 

September - December: Create second and third pieces of content, and start looking into video production with potential implementation at tail end of year/beginning of 2019.

There's so many ideas that I have for this site, and I hope it grows so I can fully realize all of the possibilities it contains. I can't wait to reveal these as time progresses, and I hope that whoever visits this site will enjoy what I create.

Let your life be creative,
