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Written and Directed, Created for Intermediate Japanese Course

The Silence
Written and Directed, Shown During 2380 Film Club Short Film Festival 2018

Site Logo
Created through Adobe After Effects (November 29, 2018)

Marketing Product Mock-up
Mock-up created for Capstone course, presented to client “Akron Honey Company”.

Marketing Product Mock-Up
Mock-up created to discuss potential new products, presented to client “Akron Honey Company”.

E-Mail Marketing Mock-Up
E-Mail mock-up designed for one hour competition, winner.

On the onset these two titles, developed by two very different studios and on entirely different sides of our Earth, sound so dichotomous when uttered under the same breath that you may laugh as I séance them. You'd be wrong, however, because even if their development, methodology and gameplay mechanics are on opposite sides of the spectrum, they were both created with the same goal in mind.